Brown Spots

The colour of our skin is determined by amount of pigment [melanin], which we have in our skin. This pigment produce by special cells in our skin, when these cells become damaged or not working in proper way, it affects melanin production that leads to some pigmentation disorders such as

-Freckles: flat, tanned circular uniform spots on the surface layer of the skin “The dermis”. They are noncancerous (benign)

They are common in people has fair complexion of the skin, usually they are the size of the head of a common nail develops on sun-exposed skin after repeated exposure to sunlight

-Lentigines (Age spot): is flat, tan to brown, oval spots on the surface layer of the skin “The dermis”. They are noncancerous (benign)

There are two types:

Solar: are caused by sun exposure and are the most common type of lentigo. They occur most frequently on areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the face and back of the hands.

Nonsolar: are not caused by sun exposure. Occur in people with certain rare hereditary disorders, such as Peutz-Jeghers syndomePeutz-Jeghers syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum, and multiple lentigines syndrome (Leopard syndrome).

-Melasma: Irregular, dark brown patches of pigmentation on the deeper layer of the skin “the dermis”. They are noncancerous (benign)

It appears on sun-exposed areas of the skin, usually the centre of the face and on the cheeks, forehead, temples, upper lip and nose. Sometimes people have the patches only on the sides of the face. Rarely, melasma appears on the forearms.

We combine different type of treatments depending on the individual’s needs.

All assessment and treatment provided by Dr EL-BAKY.



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